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No. Subject Name Date Rec Hit
 18 Ionic Liquids Penetrate Skin, Bust Biofilms    admin 2014/08/29 574 2428
 17 Making cashews safer for those with allergies    admin 2014/08/14 584 1907
 16 Communication between nostril/skin microbiome bacteria can influence pathogen behavior    admin 2014/07/25 591 1711
 15 Feel-good hormones could cause UV addiction    admin 2014/07/18 573 1956
 14 Olfactory receptors in the skin: Sandalwood scent facilitates wound healing, skin regeneration    admin 2014/07/11 561 1758
 13 Cocoa extract may counter specific mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease    admin 2014/06/27 584 2722
 12 Young indoor tanning increases early risk of skin cancer    admin 2014/06/24 612 2888
 11 Bacteria on the skin: Our invisible companions influence how quickly wounds heal    admin 2014/05/29 587 1780
 10 Lose the paunch, halt the hair loss?    admin 2014/05/21 595 2182
 9 Novel antioxidant makes old arteries seem young again, study shows    admin 2014/05/12 595 2244
 8 We should be eating SEVEN daily portions of fruit and vegtables.    admin 2014/04/30 573 6706
 7 Stress-Related Epigenetic Changes in Blood Mirror Those in Brain    admin 2014/04/11 578 2260
 6 Aging and the pursuit of happiness    admin 2014/03/07 594 2313
 5 Slowing down the immune system when in overdrive    admin 2014/02/25 589 2370
 4 Scientists' further understanding of pathway to protect skin from sun exposure    admin 2014/02/03 567 2528
 3 Sleep to protect your brain    admin 2014/01/06 538 1716
 2 Best 7 Antioxidant Foods to Stop Aging and Boost Immune System    admin 2013/12/24 550 3427
 1 Hair care growing strong    admin 2013/11/19 644 2931
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